Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 in my permaculture garden

Hello 2013.

This year I had a break over the Christmas period for the first time since starting my business, ever. I feel truly refreshed and revived. Note to self; take more mini-breaks.

During my days off I did a lot of pondering and reflecting. The biggest realisation for me is to de-clutter. De-clutter my thoughts, my committments, my house, my garden, my life.

I revisited my previous posts -  very cool looking back at how much the garden has changed and the great recipes I found or created - and I came across this little gem:

Permaculture is about "...saving the planet and living to be a hundred, while throwing very impressive dinner parties and organising other creatures to do most of the work." (Linda Woodrow)

So, news years resolution; save the planet, live to be a hundred, throw very impressive dinner parties, organise other creatures to do most of the work. Sounds good.

Photos of the garden right now:

The whole side of the back yard has been turned into garden...

which was hard work. Obviously a cheese platter, cocktails and beers were well deserved.

 Our wedding wishing well now hangs from the tree next to our balcony. Love it.

 Rainbow chilli plants minus the leaves. Damn chooks.

 Speaking of chooks...

 we have two. They each provide one egg per day. Free range eggs with truffle salt is the best damn breakfast going. The neighbours also love the eggs and I love giving them away as it means true free range eggs for all (the chicken and egg industry is a real sore spot for me) so I'm going to get a couple more. The chooks used to roam free with the dogs... however we have since built a fenced in area for them. The sole reason being they shit everywhere! Bloody annoying.

 The orange tree. Maybe we'll get fruit off it one day...?

 A capsicum plant I'd left for dead. I found it recently COVERED in these little beauties. 

 YAY! My rhubarb is growing strong. 

 Remember this? The lemon grass has exploded and is now massive (at least 2 meter diameter). 

 Rosemary hedge still coming along. Geeze it's a slow grower. 

 We had a little visitor the other day. This (harmless) snake uses our fence line as a path for travel. It doesn't bother the chooks (or hasn't found them yet). I am not a massive fan of snakes but I leave them be.

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